
Alien Rescue Mission

My sad prayer for destruction the other day in art turned around into something good for the earth, hugs, cuddles, and love for all our friends and family.

Phantom Rider

Graphite on card stock. No photo reference, just an imaginary bike cruising itself down the seaway. My second morning art project.

1990 ZR-1 Corvette

Freehand drawing on archival paper in graphite of 1990 ZR-1 Chevrolet Corvette. I wish I did more of these drawings, but I prefer biological units to machinery.

Pickup Truck

Freehand pencil sketch from a bound sketchbook I found on my bookshelf that I had totally forgotten about. I recall drawing this while looking out the window at my old truck.

Elf Mage

My morning pencil sketch from imagination. I saw this critter’s eyes as bright shadows on the page and just ran with it. Graphite drawing pencil on card stock.

Crown Cola

Told my buddy Eric at Apothecare in Ann Arbor I would draw some of Sister Ganja some time today, so long after midnight tonight I got at it with pencil and card stock. Not too bad for a pleasant hour’s work.


Drawing pencil on card stock. My morning page, or midnight page, art and poetry.

Serpentaria Datura

Colored pencil and pen on drawing paper. A weird hybrid plant from my imagination with spatulate leaves and the five-fold symmetry of the trumpetlike blossoms of Datura stramonium.


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