Country Girl Sunrise

A quick pencil sketch I did a year past or so one chilly morning. The summer sun is a morning sacrament to me. Had to boost contrast and brightness with GIMP so as it can be seen easily. What more is there to life than health, happiness, and friends, even if they are in my head, they be pretty things all.

Nephrite Jade Bat-Butterfly Hybrid Fantasy Pendant

Dark green nephrite jade, known as Imperial Jade before the importation of Burmese jadeite began. Carved with diamond-studded rotary tools underwater. Dropped, shattered into 2 pieces, repaired with Elmer’s Glue, never get wet.

Nephrite jade is thought to benefit the kidneys, and was considered the stone of wealth and great good fortune. I like it, even though it is damaged, like me.

Portrait of Skleetus the Hound

Pencil portrait of my character from the online Multi-User Dungeon Materia Magica. I just this last week managed to have him dragged out of the oblivion of character deletion back to his former life as a serial killer preying upon the good citizens of Alyria for their paltry pocket change. This evil SOB used to whip so much sense into the poor clergy with his low-level black bullwhip that the gods and goddesses, in their wisdom, totally ganked this skill from any character on his career path. A Barbarian-Ranger-Rogue-Druid at level 220 with over 3600 hours played and 106,000+ kills. He’s a 97 year old maddog now trying to lead a better life. We all know what that means for a serial killer like Skleetus.